I am SO excited to introduce Bolt's latest project, #StayBolted - the quarantine to-do's!
I have been brainstorming ways that Bolt can provide additional value during this time of self-quarantining, whether that is by providing random entertainment, motivating us to get up and move, kick starting those creative juices, or encouraging you to reach out and help others! I have come up with twelve activities that are relatively easy, inexpensive, and fun! If your by yourself, that's great, or if your with roomies or family, have them join ya! I will personally be joining in on this project and will post videos/pictures twice a week on social media of the tasks completed.
We have all the time in the world right now, honestly. So we should be diligent in making sure we aren't wasting this opportunity! There is no better time than now to dive into your faith, improve your health, try a new recipe, mend a relationship, or whatever it is you have been pushing off because of busyness!

Have SO much fun, and be sure to tag me or message me if you complete any of the tasks! We are all in this together :)
XO, Abby